Day: December 11, 2009

December flowers 3

This actually carries 2 flowers on the stem but an earwig ate most of one. Seed was given to me by Manuel Lima marked [N. viridiflorus x Ace of Spades] x N. viridiflorus or [N. viridiflorus x Eastermoon]. I believe…

December flowers2

These are 4 different clones from the cross of ‘Emerald Sea’ x ‘Lima’s Green Success’ , blooming for the first time. I was hoping for greener petals but instead got only a hint of green with that grey caste that…

Flowers in December 1

The first two pictures are of ‘Little Big Horn’ .The parentage registered is Paper White x Accent. Cross was registered in 1981. Of have always been a little uncomfortable about this cross. The cross was made in a greenhouse on…