Month: February 2010

Place to see daffs in NC

I was just talking with a fellow Master Gardener about scheduling a visit to a conifer nursery she is familiar with in North Carolina and she mentioned that they have been planting large numbers of daffodils for display gardens. I…

Good Daff PR in Chicago

Possibly as a spinoff from having the convention here, we have gotten some notice in the Chicago Tribune on two occasions. Yesterday our local society, the Midwest Daffodil Society, got a line in a nice article about garden societies. Last…

Solstice Star

This usually flowers at the end of November but I held back on watering and with some refrigeration of the pot managed to get it at the beginning of February. This particular flower is about 10mm larger than normal and…

ties with logo

Dear Ron, dear all, I might not have anything of substance to offer to the ADS yet, but I just happened to stumble across a treasure of specialty ties.  In my desire to find only one pretty pattern for a…