Month: July 2011

Zebra Swallowtail

Some time ago I posted a picture of the larva of the Zebra Swallowtail. Maybe this is it a few days later. Taken yesterday. Regards, Larry

pipevine larvae

My native pipevine (Aristolochia durior or macrophylla) is a vigorous 15 foot vine but was completely defoliated by the first brood of pipevine larvae in early June.  Now, as demonstration of Nature’s interesting timing, it is regrowing its leaves just…

Fwd: Mushroom Compost and More … or, is it less ?

Thank you George, I hope you are keeping detailed records of your studies. I can say definitively that transplanting in bloom is a setback for most varieties. Poets seem to bounce back quickly and bloom, but not multiply as well…

Monarch Butterfly.

At the bottom of this photo the two dark coloured chrysalis opened within 24 hours, the butterfly on the left is completing the energing process, the two at the top are minutes old and at the drying stage. The one…