Baby boomer Tour of New Zealand 2012

Dear All,

Just coming round form my to travels from England and the start of my Baby Boomer tour of New

Zealand. Last night at the second National North Island Daffodil Show Dinner we were entertained by local Maori School children who danced and sang to us a welcome to New Zealand. This was appreciated by all who were in attended. I just love the picture  because of the wheel the  pom-pom made as the children twirled in the air.


4 comments for “Baby boomer Tour of New Zealand 2012

  1. Thanks Ian,  We are very proud of our indigenous popukation who are going through a cultural renaissence.  The children range in age was 5 – 11.   They certainly were a great group who have performed with great merit at National competition.  What impressed me most was the pride they had in their culure and the absolute discipline of the performane.

    Flowers almost finished here but will have a few to take to the World Convention in Dunedin.  Enjoying the company of our overseas visitors!



  2. I got back from New Zealand Monday night and am still catching up with things. This really was an incredible performance!  Didn’t someone record it on their smart phone?  I would love to see the video!

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