A little time for pleasure

Dear Friends
I came across this during a moment of relaxation, and I thought you all may just like it.
Have a good season and for our southern friends in the heat 40 degrees in South Australia,  do it later.
‘In March’ my gardening manual says,
‘Prepare to sow your seeds,’
I started out with good intent,
But then found my trowel was lent,
Next my unwilling gaze was bent
On fast maturing weeds.
‘This is the time’, my manual says,
‘For pruning summer shrubs’.
But first I saw the fallen leaves
Had choked the gutter ‘neath the eaves.
I fetched the steps, rolled up my sleeves….
But paused to squash some grubs.
‘Now cut back hard’, the manual says,
‘The buddleia and the rose’.
I took my knife but, horrid sight….
Camellia leaves were blotched with blight!
I searched for spray to put that right
But only found the hose.
‘This is the month’, the manual says,
‘To brace your back for toil’,
I fastened up my strongest boots,
But as I excavated roots
I found the tips of tender shoots,
I dared not fork the soil.
‘Delay no more.’ my manual says,
‘From jobs you must not shirk’,
But I caught a glimpse of Daffodils,
Of ordinary Daffodils,
Of jovial, jostling Daffodils,
So quite forgot to work.
Have a lovely season everyone