“Beginner Friendly” tales and tributes

Dear Daffnet friends,
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed these stories people are sharing.
I want to pay tribute here to one of the CMDS members, Jean Sutton, now of the Collierville, TN,area but formerly of Memphis.
She’s not a judge, and rarely exhibits because her season doesn’t fit our season, but she is always, alwaysat the CMDS shows in Clinton or the Mall in Ridgeland, and always brings Margaret Nichols, our historicspecialist judge since forever. And they make that long drive to our fall meetings most years.
Jean does everything!!  She works at setting up, she helps people prepare their exhibits, she sits at thetable and hands out materials and sells memberships like crazy. (I understand she does this in Arkansas,too.)
Once the show is open, she’s like Cecile Spitz—watching for people who look as if they want to know more,escorting them around the show and explaining the differences about the various kinds of daffodils. And ifthey seem receptive, leading them to the membership table and recruiting them.
The ideal member, for the present and the future.
Jean doesn’t travel to conventions, since they haven’t been in Memphis lately..
But she’ll be there, and you can meet her in Ridgeland in 2011, and she’ll be one of our new regionaldirectors, and deservedly so. After we talked her into taking the assignment, she mentioned that it was justher habit, when the Journal came, to check the new members’ list and pick up the phone to talk to anyonefrom our area. To me, that’s going to the heart of the job description!
Loyce McKenzie