Catalog from Alec Gray’s Nursery in 1956

Matt in Scotland has found a catalog put out by Alec Gray back in 1956.

He has scanned a few pages to the SRGC Forum

He can send out a 3MB file of the entire catalog to anyone who asks. If you’d like a copy you can register on the SRGC Forum to be able to contact him or drop me a line and I can forward it to you. It makes fascinating reading to see what was on offer half a century ago. Not to mention the fact that selling bulbs dug in the wild was not frowned upon back then,



1 comment for “Catalog from Alec Gray’s Nursery in 1956

  1. Many of Alec Gray’s catalogs, including the one from 1956, may be found in DaffLibrary (  They may be read online, or downloaded for free.  There are many goodies in DaffLibrary.  Articles about trips John Blanchard took looking for daffodils, even articles about Peter Barr’s travels.  Check it out; you may be pleasantly surprised.

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