Category: Standards

Discussions and photographs about standard height daffodils.

Siam 2W-P

One of my older customers went to Siam for their honeymoon. The wife loved that trip and bought this daffodil when it was first available. She has been gone about 20 years now but I still have about 9 bulbs…


Yesterday I went to my first daff show, at Mississippi College, where Ted Snazelle teaches. Everyone was so nice. Ralph Sowell broke off from finishing getting his daffs ready for the show, and it was only because the judging was…


This is what I grew as Inca. When it matures the color gets better.   Hein meeuwissen, Voorhout, Holland

Fw: Narcissus ‘Inca’

Almost all snowdrops are now finished in the garden and the colour has changed to yellow. Can anyone confirm that this is ‘Inca’? Does it change colour? Mark N Ireland

Pin the tail round two !

Howdy, This one is from my garden; I went on DaffSeek but there are few older 1Y-O’s to look at, so… I’ve got two; the second one is taking longer to open (and since we get Texas’s weather about 1-2…

Ceylon after the storm

You know the average person would not see much damage to these blooms after the ice melts. What looks like water drops on the back of this Ceylon bloom is actually all ice. We are hovering right at freezing still.…