Category: Non-Daffodil

This is a collection of posts about anything other than daffodils!

For Northern Tasmanians

Today I played golf with the son of Trevor Jordan, a prominent grower of chrysanthemums and orchids in Launceston. He died about 2002. I should think he was involved with the Launceston HS which has hosted Daffodil Conventions. I wonder if…

Gladiola – ‘Spic & Span’

The second photo (right) is of my father holding a winning vase of what might be ‘Spic & Span,’ a gladiola that my father grew in his garden.  This picture of Dad was probably taken in the late 1950s or…

Tulips in July

Several nights ago, some of our granddaughter’s friends came over for a visit.  Joel, who is from England, did a very English thing.  He brought a bouquet of flowers, not unusual; however, orange tulips in July!  Surely they did not…


Dear All, I think something got in to computer after I opened an email from a friend Please do not open anything from me if you get anything as It seems to be sending to everyone  in my address book!…