Category: Societies and groups

Information and photos of local and regional daffodil groups.

Bright summer flowers and Bulb sales .

The  Central  Dahlia  Group  held  their  show on  Saturday  3  March  and as  has  been  the  custom  for  several  seasons ,  the  Central  Daffodil  Group  had  a  Daffodil  Bulb  sale  along  side  the  bright  and  vibrant  flowers . It  was …

Daffodil Show Properties

Hi everyone, I have enough daffodil show properties to put on a show of up to 1,500 to 2,000 stems.  Our show is permanently canceled and Fran and I are in the process of moving to New Jersey if we…

ADS Convention early bird discounted registration

    Please note that the early bird discounted registration for the 2018 ADS Convention must be Paid and Postmarked on or before March 1 and all registrations will close on March 15.  To learn more about the Convention, visit…

Daffnet forum usage and behavior

Daffnet was originally created as a mailing list in 1996.  Today Daffnet is a web forum followed by thousands of people world wide.  Most people are silent and just read our web site like they view many others, but over…