Category: Fertility

The fertility of species and named daffodils.


Hi  Daffnetters ,   This  is  Wayne  ,  the  Chinese  Pheasant ,  photographed  on  Friday .. He  was bred  by  Wayne  Hughes  —  noted  Kiwi  breeder  and  exhibitor  of  daffodils,  gladioli and  birds  .  Executive  member  of  our  N D S …


  Hi  Daffnetters, I’m  very much  enjoying the  current discussion on Emerald Sea, Viridiflorus and the green  daffs. I flowered Emerald Sea and several other John Hunter Viridiflorus seedlings for the first time,around mid July, this spring.I assume that they…

Autumn Flowers

Dear All: Here are three selections that are currently in flower. ‘Autumn Glory’ (prov.) is probably the only one of this prolific and fertile cross (Gloriousus x elegans) that will be named. It is a bit larger than the rest,…

Theo´s seedparent of viridiflorus seedlings

Today the third seedling of the cross ((Edna Earl x Flower Record)1 x (Edna Earl x Flower Record)2 ))  x N. viridiflorus flowered . It is fertile, has intense fragrance and seems to have better bulb reproduction than the others.…

Viridiflorus seedling

Today the third seedling of the cross ((Edna Earl x Flower Record)1 x (Edna Earl x Flower Record)2 ))  x N. viridiflorus flowered . It is fertile, has intense fragrance and seems to have better bulb reproduction than the others.…

Insect pollinators of daffodils in Mt. Pleasant Texas area

Keith Kridler Mt. Pleasant, Texas When you sit out and enjoy your daffodil beds or fields of daffodils between collecting blooms and racing off to haul them to shows you will often see all sorts of species of insects that…