Category: Fertility

The fertility of species and named daffodils.

Tomato Hornworm Pupa photo

Sorry to be off topic again but that is a photo of the pupa from tomato hornworm caterpillars or one of the species of Sphinx moths or “hummingbird” moths. I took these as larva off of tomato plants and raised/continued…

Emailing: M127a-10 (1), M127a-10 (2), M127a-10 (3)

 This is a new seedling from N.atlanticus which will be fertile. The top floret measures 31mm, the scent is exquisite ( Violet like) and I hope that it’s vigour will continue. I think it is even better than my orange cupped seedlings that…

4 pictures for you

Hi  Daffnetters  , Just  one  posting  tonight  —  an  interesting  intermediate  size  double  that was  not what  I  was  hoping  for  —  a  multihead  double  .     06  —  55  Blossom  ( 4 W – O  )  —  x …


Hi  Daffnetters ,  Early  Orbit  is  having  a  good season ;  not much  greening and  giving  good  bunches  of big ,  full  heads  on  very  tall,  strong  stems  . Stem  length  is  an  important  asset  in  market  flowers  —  as  the …

Fw: Yet another Voda Seedling

  Hi  Daffnetters , Wilf  Hall  is  having  a  great  run  with  the  tazettas  this  season ..  Thanks  for  the  feedback ; it,s  good  to  have  some  interesting  flowers  in  this  quiet  period  .. Northern  N Z  had  a  very …