Category: Fertility

The fertility of species and named daffodils.

Green bulbocodiums

Two seedlings from the cross N. romieuxii x 7G-G seedling are now open and these look promising. The few from this cross that flowered earlier were white, but these two both have a decided green caste although quite different shades…

The fertility of seedlings from N. cavanillesii x Emerald Sea, N. cavanillesii x (Ballygowan x N. viridiflorus), and N. x xanthochlorus x (Ballygowan x N. viridiflorus)

   Seedlings from the first two crosses have two chromosome sets (CC) from N. cavanillesii, one (V) from N. viridiflorus, and one (N) from a tetraploid standard daffodil. Seedlings of the third cross have two chromosome sets from N. viridiflorus,…

It is fertile!

Earlier on in October I posted a picture of the seedling from N. cavanillesii x Emerald Sea. Brian Duncan suggested pollinating it. While I found this flower intriguing I had always assumed that it was sterile and had never thought…

Mentor pollen

Crosses of different narcissus species are in most cases successful. If they are crossed with standard daffodils there are more complications. Standard daffodils can be chosen as seed- or pollen parents; nevertheless one gets often no seeds. This behavior can…

N. pseudonarcissus without crown

       This N. pseudonarcissus ‘Star de Wallonie’ without crown has been found by Ruben Billiet and Olivier Vico in the region near Tournai (Belgium) and is fertile. The pictures are not from me but published on Species without or…