Category: Cytology

This is about the study of narcissus cells and includes chromosome work, molecular genetics, biochemistry, pollen size and shape, etc,.

Looking at pollen (1)

A warning at the beginning.The following text will  be a horror for  normal daffodil freaks. It is for younger hybridizers only, perhaps up to an age of 80, because the results of the remarks in form of nice daffodils can be seen…

Plant lectins

From a 2007 article: Multiplicity of carbohydrate-binding sites in â-prism fold lectins: occurrence and possible evolutionary implications ALOK SHARMA, DIVYA CHANDRAN, DESH D SINGH and M VIJAYAN* Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India *Corresponding author…

pics of lback spots

  THanks for the black spot pictures. I did not realize many had them ( what percentage roughly from the large daffodils?) One can now wonder what character is connected with this black spot on the chromosome that has been selected…