Flowering in Canberra – Part 3


A few more photos. Mostly miniatures and intermediates but there is one species photograph. The intermediates are all fertile and can be crossed with the miniatures and micro miniatures to produce smaller seedlings. One of the characteristics we breed for is the ability to live in pots rather than the ground.


A few intermediate sized 6W-W's and 1 W-Y's Bicolor 6Y-Y miniature of good form Box of miniatures and intermediates that includes some high class miniature 6W-W's and some reverse bicolors Box of miniatures and intermediates with some really good miniature 1W-Y's with good petal coverage Feral intermediate 1Y-Y that is quite nice N Hispanicus with some intermediate 6W-W's in the background Ornamental pot of miniatures that have a propensity to flower with more than six petals