Toms 2015 ADS National Convention Show (I was recruited) photos


I’m guessing that you have all heard of our experiences in Colonial Williamsburg this year. It was a great time with extremely high quality flowers. Several people have said that I should post my photos of the Convention show even after Kirby has posted since they are different looks and it seems that some folks are really insistent that I do this. I hope it’s not too much for some of you.

I didn’t capture the Bender award, or the other ADS Challenge Award winners. Apologies for that. After 7 shows this season and capturing all of them in photos, I’m completely exhausted now. I’ll try to post some of the people pictures and other non-show winning photos later on this season when I’ve rested up a bit more.

Sadly, this is my last Daffodil show posting of the 2015 show season. I always have a little heartache at this time every year. The pains of love are evident after the beauty of the creators creatures have passed for another year.

For now, as a popular saying quotes, “I wish you enough”.


1 comment for “Toms 2015 ADS National Convention Show (I was recruited) photos

  1. Thanks Tom. A different perspective which adds to our appreciation of the show.


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