Cultivar data and photo updates for

DaffSeek now has over 1,600 new photographs, mostly from New Zealand photographers and visitors for your enjoyment. This brings the total number of photographs to over 13,000! Almost half of the new photos came from New Zealand’s Pleasant Valley Daffodil Team of Colin Crotty and Gordon Coombes. Many of their photos filled in gaps where there were no photos in DaffSeek. Thank you Colin and Gordon.
Thanks to ADS and Daffnet member Kathleen Simpson, Kirby Fong’s photos are also in this update. Due to time constraints, Kirby could not label his photographs with the corresponding names. Kathleen volunteered to do this tedious job. Anyone who has seen Kirby’s photo journal knows he takes great care to accurately document each photograph he takes. Kathleen…thank you for the many hours you spent on this project so everyone can enjoy Kirby’s beautiful photos.
There are new photos from Scott Kunst of Old House Gardens. Also, there are some very old photos (1900-1930) Mary Lou scanned from books in the first part of last century. Both of these contributors really improved the photo set for Historics!
Someone who will remain nameless, still needs to get his photographs ready for DaffSeek!
Enjoy and again Thank You all!
Nancy Tackett,
——————— Thank you Nancy Tackett and Mary Lou Gripshover for all of your cultivar data updates, resulting in over 18,000 cultivar data records.
And thanks to Nancy for coordinating with the contributing photographers to receive CDROM’s, DVD’s, and email’s with the photos. Nancy also tells Ben which photo sets to install for DaffSeek (very important).
Ben Blake ——————— DaffSeek is freely available at:

1 comment for “Cultivar data and photo updates for

  1. Hmmmm wonder if that “someone” is very close to Nancy??? Nancy and Ben you do a fantastic job!! Thank you so much!! Phyllis
    || | | Someone who will remain nameless, still needs to get his photographs | ready for DaffSeek! | | Enjoy and again Thank You all! | | Nancy Tackett, | | ——————— | Thank you Nancy Tackett and Mary Lou Gripshover for all of your cultivar data | updates, resulting in over 18,000 cultivar data records. | | And thanks to Nancy for coordinating with the contributing photographers to | receive CDROM’s, DVD’s, and email’s with the photos. Nancy also tells Ben | which photo sets to install for DaffSeek (very important). | | Ben Blake | ——————— | DaffSeek is freely available at: | | | — |

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