Daffodil blooms in TN.

Happy New Year! The flower on the right is from the Nylon group. The one on the left I’m not sure about; I’ve been unable to find it on my maps. These were in bloom outdoors. I picked them in a snow flurry that probably lasted all of a couple of minutes last night. So no white new year here, but it is 18 degrees F. outside at the moment!
Brian, I had a very immature bloom of New Charm I photographed outside on 12/31/06 from the same source as Mary Lou’s (ADS miniatures committee). I believe it didn’t look worth photographing after rain the next day, as I don’t have a photograph after it was fully open. I’ll take a peek on my way out to work this morning to see if there are any buds showing. I have lots of bulbocodiums I grow outside in my raised miniature beds, as I love watching for the off-season blooms.
Becky Fox Matthews that daffy girl near Nashville, TN.