Day: February 16, 2008

Pink #3: Pink Polynomial

The thrid and final one is another split cup, Pink Polynomial, 11aW-P, also from Mitsch. Photo notes: shot at late twilight using off-camera flash as a RAW file, and custom white balanced using a companion exposure of a gray card.…

Saving Daffodils

>Hi All, Roxane Daniel gave me about 2,700 daffodil bulbs that were dug and stored in a building about 2 years ago. Some dirt remained and it seems about 86 percent have a chance to bloom again. I soaked them…

Gorse Puzzle Answer

Puzzle on 13 January, the promised answer. GORSE = 57,    G=13, O=9, R=25, S=7, E=3. Start with Chestnut, then Ash, Spruce, Pine, Acer, etc. Extra words, though not necessary will make it easier, but not by much, HOLLY = 52…