Are you taking pictures?

My season, which has been long and a great pleasure, is drawing to a close, with the ending of March.
For most of you, in many climates, it is just beginning.

I was very pleased, last year, that more than half of all the ADS shows had at least one picture representing a winner in one of the four Journals of what I’ve realized is the ADS show year—-June through March.
Please take a picture or two—or a dozen. With today’s cameras, you may not be an expert, but you can get lucky. Email them to me.  JPEG format is great for this purpose.

 Rod Armstrong’s valedictory message in the March issue really struck a responsive chord with me.  I’ve always wished more people sent landscape pictures, or posted them so we could use them.
Now I really want us to focus on daffodils in the garden, whether they’re in your created landscape or someone else’s, a public planting, or in great naturalized sweeps along the roads and trails and hills and vales.
And I’ve a half-done picture feature on companion plantings including daffodils all over the country, half-done because I don’t have names of companion-plant experts from the various regions.
If you have such a ephemeral picture this season, capture it for everyone. And if you have a friend or neighbor who has some captivating companion plantings, although he or she may not be (yet) an ADS member, take those pictures, too.
Do you know, in your area, a fine daffodil gardener who just never takes her flowers to a show? Maybe we’d like to read about her.

Loyce McKenzie

2 comments for “Are you taking pictures?

  1. pdf iconADS_Intermediates_No_Photo.pdf

    Here’s another reason to take your camera to the garden this season–to help fill out the gaps in our online information sources.

    There aren’t many, but we all can help. While putting together some handouts for our judge review and Midwest Daffodil Society program this weekend, I checked the list of intermediates at I checked it against, where one can now view the intermediates list data one cultivar at a time. I made a list of those for which there are no photos and added the hybridizer. The list is attached. 

    Check the list and if you have some of these, snap their pics and send them off for consideration 

    George Dorner

    Palindrome for Today
    An ole crab was I, ere I saw Barcelona.

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