latest daffodil

Dear All,

  The first of my last and latest Daffodil flowered today, the double that sported from the N poeticus recurvatus I got from Wayside about 1969 or so when they were still in Ohio.  (Sporting induced by being within a 200 mile radius of Phyllis and Mary Lou.)  The first looks not exactly but sort of like a split corolla.  The second is only partly open, but looks pretty much the same.  About five more are still in bud and remain to be seen.  It’s very charming when fully double. Much smaller than ‘Pink Paradise’, etc, but respectable.  The orange center shows somewhere in the layout.

  But hang on!  That may not be the latest this year.  ‘Sinopel’ hasn’t blasted its buds yet;  it just might flower.

