World Daffodil Tour – SEEDG Champion Bloom and Best Division 2

Our next event was the South East of England Daffodil Group show in Linton (near Maidstone). The best division 2 bloom was Gold Convention exhibited by Len Olive. It went on to become the champion bloom of the show. In this show, only blooms that are singles (in a vase) can be chosen best; blooms in a multi-bloom vase were not eligible. At other shows in England, the best bloom can be chosen from a multi-bloom vase. I did not keep track of which shows used which rule.
By the way, SEEDG has its own necktie. One of the American ladies at the RHS show in London asked David Matthews for one, but he could remember who. I’ve agreed to try to find the person for whom the tie is set aside. Please contact me if you know who it is.
Kirby Fong