Month: June 2008

Moles–Mary Lou

Mary Lou: Nancy and I used ‘Cinch” mole traps, worked every time– I think they’er made here in Oregon– Maybe you  might check a web site? Love, Gene and Fran Cameron


My response to Rob’s follow-up questions. Thanks Bill……..Just so I understand you and you me…..Dafodils need to be in raised beds in dry area corect and do not mulch them, correct, so to prevent from staying moist/wet? The bed I…


Hi, Does anyone have a sure-fire way to keep moles out of the garden?  Digging my bulbs is not an option, as the moles would just come back.  I’ve tried those solar-powered things that emit a sound about every 30…

Kokopelli in shows

My wife Lina and I would never hesitate to put a well-grown Kokopelli in a collection of standards. It is a lovely flower and, properly placed, provides variation in size, shape and collective texture to enhance the beauty of the…

anoxic bulb treatment

I apologize for reusing the subject in my previous mail, not checking on its meaning. Now I used my dictionary to do so and I was indeed very surprised !   Hopefully this does not reduce the acceptance of the…