2 comments for “Close enough to smell

  1. Thanks, Keith. I needed that! :-) While we have no snow here in the Cincinnati area, it got to 3*F or -16*C overnight, with winds gusting up to 40mph. Even keeping the door from the garage into my family room open overnight, it still got to 32F in the garage. Foliage on pots of ‘Fyno’ and ‘Muslin’ are flopping over the sides of the pots, but the other foliage looks ok. ‘Fyno’ was just coming into flower, but only one bloom this year. This one seems to make lots of foliage but few flowers.
    Mary Lou

  2. Not all of us are suffering but thanks for the thoughts! Some time off around Christmas, maybe I’ll be able to get out and play in the fluffy white stuff we’ve been getting.
    Kathy Julius Golden Valley (Minneapolis), Minnesota

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