result of the jury


At the Keukenhof daffodil show 2009 the judges were salesman. We wanted to hear the opinion of the people who buy and sell our flowers.
After 4 hours judging their top 10 of wanted flowers from 10 to 1 was
Amadeus Mozart,
Double campernelle!!!,
Sabine Hay
Johann strauss
New Innovator
White Medal
and the overall winner and Keukenhof daffodil of the year Flying Colours
The award, The statue of liberty with 3 golden daffodils in her hand is held by my daughter. This years theme in Keukenhof is the 400 year anniversery of Holland and USA.
The stand prize was for the stand of WF Leenen
Best regards, Hein Meeuwissen, Voorhout, Holland


1 comment for “result of the jury

  1. Your daughter is even more lovely than your daffodils!!  How proud you must be!
    Congratulations on all.

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