4 comments for “the Daffodil Project

  1. Marvelous article, terrific project! I wish I had written this paragraph which wraps up what we all know”
    “There are many reasons as to why daffodils are especially poignant flowers to plant in New York City. Primarily, daffodils are considered the flower of spring, a signal of the renewal of nature after the harshness of winter. They are ideal for urban areas in that they resist pollution and require little maintenance, replenishing themselves constantly, splitting off from themselves to form new flowers. Additionally, their bulbs are toxic by nature, helping them ward off hungry city squirrels in search of fresh spring blooms. In other words, the daffodils planted all throughout the city are like the city itself -steadfastly moving forward, diligently renewing itself, astonishingly strong, and yet strikingly beautiful.”

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