Ohio Snow .

Is  it  still  snowing  in  Ohio  ??
I  hope  not  —  we  hope  your  weather  is  improving  and  spring  is  finally  arriving ,
and  that  you  all  have  some  fine  flowers  for  the  shows .
OHIO  SNOW  was  in  Feilding  at  our  bulb  sales  day  —  catching  most  of  us  by  surprise as  we  expected  Spud  to  arrive  with  bulbs, not  flowers .
Spud  flowered  these  two  flowers  from bulbs  imported  from  the U S A . The  bulbs  were  potted  when  they  arrived  and  grown  on  in  a  cool,  shaded  area  and  have  been held  for  about  3  weeks  in  a  cooler.
They  were  good,  show quality  blooms  —  very  clean  white  and  good  form. Spud  would  love  to  be on  a  plane  taking  them  to  Murphys  for  your  show,  —  however,  not  to  be.
This  variety  has  an  interesting  history,  previously  detailed  on  daffnet.
Spud  Brogden  sent  this  smart  2 W W  to  the States  under  seedling  number: not surprisingly  it soon  achieved  success  on  the  show  benches  and  particularly  at  an  Ohio  Show. It  was  subsequently  named  Ohio  Snow  and  is  still regularly  exhibited.
Back  in  N Z,  Spud  lost  his  stock;  saw  how  well  it  was  doing  Stateside  and  was  keen  to  restock.
He asked me to thank those who had sent one of his children back home; they are enjoying being
back in their raisers garden again and when fully acclimatised  will  be  seen on  Kiwi  show benches.
If  there is a moral to the story, surely it must be;   ”  Give  and  thou  shalt receive  “
I’m  sure it’s  not  the  first  time  we have heard of similar seedling  loses  and  recovery.
Generosity  with  seedlings  is  frequently  a  great insurance policy.
Best  wishes  to  all  Northern  growers  and  good  luck  for  the  growing  and  showing  season.

1 comment for “Ohio Snow .

  1. John –
    We are hopefully done with winter snow, 50′ F (10’C) is predicted for the afternoon and we’ll be glad to have it.
    But this is the Midwest and we’ve seen snow in May before so no one’s placing bets!
    ‘Ohio Snow’ is a fantastic flower, great substance and every stem near perfection.
    Credit is due Betty Kealiher for recognizing its potential and spreading a few bulbs around to be evaluated.
    Betty was present when it won its first Best In Show gold ribbon and was the most excited person in the room.
    She continues to shepherd its progress and I wait anxiously to see it again in a month or so.
    Linda W.

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