Genes of daffodils used to create “Golden Rice”

Happy Thanksgiving, Our first paper whites began blooming last week. Tonight we are supposed to get a hard freeze. We had a couple of days several weeks ago when some tropical plants were harmed as temperatures hovered right at the freezing point in different locations near our home.
Below is a link to a news article about gene splicing to produce more vitamin packed vegetables. The main article is mostly about Sweet Potatoes but I copied out of the article the paragraph that mentioned the use of daffodils and corn to create “Golden Rice”. Keith Kridler Mt. Pleasant, Texas
While the crops backed by HarvestPlus are all conventionally bred, other crops have been genetically engineered. The best known is “golden rice”: scientists plucked genes from daffodils and corn to come up with rice that produces vitamin A. Gerard Barry of the International Rice Research Institute said it is now in trials and, if widely accepted around the world, could be a huge step in reducing child deaths and blindness.

2 comments for “Genes of daffodils used to create “Golden Rice”

  1. A fascinating article, unfortunately full of untruths about gen-tech foods.  Europeans being slagged for their scepticism and general intelligence concering these issues simply adds food to the fire that americans are sutpid!  Which they are not!  I appreciate you sending the link, but one really should read between the lines, even when it involved our beloved bulbs genes, don’t you think.

    I know, inappropriate….but political correctness will never be my strong point.  I like using my brain.

    Jamie V.

    where Monsanto is a criminal orginization and prohibited by law!

    Am 26.11.2010 13:13, schrieb Keith Kridler:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Our first paper whites began blooming last week. Tonight we are supposed to  get a hard freeze. We had a couple of days several weeks ago when some  tropical plants were harmed as temperatures hovered right at the freezing  point in different locations near our home.
    Below is a link to a news article about gene splicing to produce more  vitamin packed vegetables. The main article is mostly about Sweet Potatoes  but I copied out of the article the paragraph that mentioned the use of  daffodils and corn to create "Golden Rice". Keith Kridler Mt. Pleasant,  Texas
    While the crops backed by HarvestPlus are all conventionally bred, other  crops have been genetically engineered. The best known is "golden rice":  scientists plucked genes from daffodils and corn to come up with rice that  produces vitamin A. Gerard Barry of the International Rice Research  Institute said it is now in trials and, if widely accepted around the world,  could be a huge step in reducing child deaths and blindness. 

  2.   I have not reread the article- It is amazing how easily
    groups of people who have not been sophisticated in
    the past can understand the incrediblly compllicated
    concepts(to me) of medical research study goals and
    geneticially modified crop reserve of refuge zones, while
    some of us are snookered by Naturopathy and Organic
    sections which as near as I can see have no meaning.
      We all have heard from salesmen who are full of
    bovine scat, the people pushing GMO are the same-
    a lot of falsehoods spread in the name of profits and
    who knows what the truth will be..

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