Winter Daffodil

I once heard it said that daffodils are 11 months of anticipation and one month of disappointment.

I’ll take it!!!

I am so tired of the very cold two months we have had and all the nasty weather.  Today, we are going through another of those nastry winter days here in Gaithersburg, MD.  It started out with about an inch of snow and ice on the ground for the morning commute and now it is raining that is going to change to sleet and snow.  WTOP radio and the TV stations are predicting either 4-8 inches of snow or 8-14 inches of snow between now and midnight.  I guess it is sort of who you believe.  Or is it really what nature delivers regardless of what the media station’s predict.

Anyway I’m so bored of winter that I’m finding myself reviewing my daffodil planting lists and planting plots not only for the fall of 2010, but the three previous years that I have planted.  (I dig on a three years rotation so that I don’t have to dig 1200 varieties all within the same year).  Anyway, I guess that is better than reading the Webster’s Dictionary.  I’m looking at my list and already trying to decide what type I need to add to my collection in 2011, bicolors, reverses, pink, orange/red cups, more higher divisions . . . aaahhhhhhhhh!

Just bring on Spring.  Let’s get with it.

Bored of winter in Maryland,


Clay Higgins