Blooming in Reston VA

Last fall I used some green plastic boxes of Delia’s to plant out a bunch of little seedling bulbs of Brian Duncan’s.  Four of them fit perfectly in one of Brent and Becky’s black crates.
As Brian suggested, I watered them well after planting them in loose gritty soil and put them in the garage for the winter.  He said don’t water them, so I didn’t, until I started to see some green tips.  Then I started adding an inch or two of loose snow from our yard to the boxes occasionally and allowed it to melt into the soil.
On Sunday, the first of them bloomed.  Today I have a second. 
As Mary Lou Gripshover has done, I started taking the crate outside when the temperature rose above freezing to allow the leaves to green up.  The forecast is for the temperature to drop only to 39 so they will be spending their first night under the stars.
This was a pretty painless effort on my part and it is very rewarding to have a flower blooming here for me this early in the season. 
Chriss Rainey