what a warm welcome

Hello again, what a warm welcome from Mary Lou, David, Harold, Colleen, Nancy, Phillys and Melissa, thank you. As you know James is a confirmed and dedicated daffnetter and regularly calls me to look at something wonderful on his screen. Then I thought, why don’t I have my own daffnet, then I don’t have to look over his shoulder. We are just setting off for a 200 mile drive to Wisley for the Late Daffodil Competotion tomorrow. All the daffodils have been in the fridge, we are in the middle of what passes for a heatwave in this country and everybody is walking around with a smile on their face except daffodil exhibitors. I have a lot of tulips for the Tulip Competition. They normally flower in May (and sometimes not till June) here in the north but they have come out early. Looking back over the season, there have been some gorgeous flowers, great meetings with daffodil enthusiasts, exhausting drives getting to the shows but mostly we have had loads of fun. I hope you have too.