friendly visitor

  A friendly surprise visitor to our hired holiday home in the Cote d’Azur – an African Grey parrot who came to dine on apples and sit on the shoulders and heads of grandchildren. He then perched on a chair back, yawned and went to sleep. Laid back parrot, eh?
Having found a good feeding station he came to visit every day. Oh for the colour of that tail on a daffodil!
 I only knew his name because I’d seen Bill and Rosemary Roese’s pet African Grey ‘Sherman’ that Bill had trained to say “Sherman’s a swinger” – which he did constantly when wanting attention!
  So our welcome visitor also stirred happy memories of distant visits with Bill and Rosemary in Santa Maria, California. So thank you Rodney ( the name the kids quickly applied to him) – t’was a pleasure to know you.