Bulbocodium Hybrid Diversity, Color, Height, Size

The three photos illustrate the tremendous range of height, form, and color, encountered when crossing named and/or hybrid bulbocodium type cultivars. The first two photos show extreme size and height differences although the flowers look similar. The last shows the range of colors and forms from a cross of “advanced” hybrid parents. Do click on the photos to view them at full size.

The first photo is of a small white bulbocodium that is under 3″ tall (73mm tall) with a corona diameter of 17 mm or a bit over half an inch (.67″).

The second is of a main flowering stem of ‘Yuletide’ at about 9 1/4″ tall (235mm) with a corona mouth diameter of 39mm or 1.54″.

The bottom photo is of a pot of newly flowering bulbocodium type seedlings. Trying to give a sense here of the tremendous range of diversity expressed in the seedlings from advanced hybrid crosses. This particular cross involves seven different species with both whites and yellows in the lineage. Obviously, a really wide range of forms, colors and sizes resulted.
