Peter Barr Cup

Hello All,

This is just to thank all of those people who have congratulated me on being awarded the Peter Barr Cup.   I was overwhelmed  by the responses.  Some were a bit overstated – for example one person called Les and I the superstars of  the daffodil world!   We would love to be that but there are many others who are more deserving of this title!  Which brings me to my point – Les and I are full partners in this project – Les is involved in all aspects except making the crosses – even here she is forthcoming in advising me of what to cross!

We had intended to go to the UK next year but have brought that forward so that  we can go to the Awards Ceremony in London.   One of my major goals is to get a photo of Les and me holding the trophy.  While in England we will get to the four major shows so we will be able to report on them from personal observation.

Thanks again


1 comment for “Peter Barr Cup

  1. Peter, please do get this picture, and get it to me, because I agree about the importance of your teamwork, and so does everyone in the ADS who knows you-all.

    Loyce McKenzie

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