ADS Gold Medal Awarded to Kathy Andersen

The ADS Gold Medal for Meritorious Service to the daffodil was awarded to Kathy Andersen at the convention in Columbus.  A standing ovation proved that the recipient was a popular choice!    Kathy has been visiting the native habitats of the species for many years, and has been sharing her findings through the pages of the Journal and programs at conventions.   She has reported on habitat destruction, whether it be by the expansion of civilization or wandering goats and other animals, and has even found a new species–one which her fellow travelers have tentatively named N. pseudonarcissus andersenii.

Among the many comments I heard were “I thought she’d received that ages ago.”  Clearly this long-overdue award is well-deserved!  Congratulations, Kathy!

2 comments for “ADS Gold Medal Awarded to Kathy Andersen

  1. We were so happy for Kathy A. An arduously earned  gold metal-as we sat at her table at the ceremony there was not  a dry eye (at least for me-Kate). Her reaction was one of surprise!!  I am glad that the ADS does honor those that have done so much. As Mary Lou has said-WELL DESERVED!! Mitch and Kate Carney with a whooo hooo!!!!!

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