rupicola seedlings

Came home to find these 2 seedlings in a pot I had almost forgotten about, from crosses made 7 years ago

The first is rupicola x small 2wp seedling the other from a small 2y-yyr seedling

Thought I should share as they have really good form for mini’s

Sdlg 1Sdlg 2

7 comments for “rupicola seedlings

  1. <sigh> These are so beautiful, Malcolm!  Congratulations! Do rupicola crosses usually take 7 years to bloom?

    Suzy Wert, Indianapolis

  2. I don’t know Suzy they are the only one’s that I have done, but I have had another go since seeing these.

    Thanks for your comments though


  3. On Friday Malcolm brought these flowers to show me. They are the most beautiful minis that I have seen. Harold has some beauties I know but I rated these just a little higher. They are gorgeous and I am privileged to have seen them. Both have good form, one has an interesting colour and the other a lovely rupicola, scalloped cup.


  4. Really nice Malcolm. Getting colour into rupicola look-a-like seedlings is not easy. I’ve tried and tried and got nothing like these little beauties.

    But they give me hope for some of the seedlings, from similar type crosses that have not yet flowered. Congratulations. You will have prompted a lot of crosses

    between N. rupicola and coloured cup Intermediates.


  5. I was just as impressed with the white (or are they ultra pale yellow?) perianths as I was the corona color.  I have never had, or seen, anything but gold or yellow perianths from N. rupicola, no matter what the mother was.  I have some rupicola x watierii seedlings, but it will be years before they bloom. I was thinking that is what it would take to get what you’ve got there, but now I am rethinking  that strategy and looking at my smallest intermediates to see what I’ve got.  It will be a good thing to think about over the winter.  :)



  6. Congratulations Malcolm, they are lovely and well worth waiting seven years for.


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