Year: 2016

Daffodil Weather

Weather Report, In Northeast North Carolina, March was too warm and set all my daffodils blooming too early. . . Actually it confused the daffodils as I had some of my late daffodils blooming in early March, and on 14…

2016 Indiana Daffodil Society (IDS) Show Photos

The Indiana Daffodil Society (IDS) Show was held in the Holiday Park Nature Center and Arboretum. It’s a very nice setting for any horticultural based activity. This is one of my favorite shows to visit as a continuation of my…

Seedlings of Lewis Turner

My hybridizing of daffodils was concentrated in the 1990’s.  It took about 9 years + to obtain blooms, and I have been slow to evaluate them.  This year, after a poor growing season last year, my seedling bloom was scant,…