Optimum temperature for pollination

Dear All,

Having never had any success with early pollination, last year my crosses were all blown away

by the Beast from the East!

So this year I have two daffodils in flower for a couple of day just crying out for pollination, even a lone

hornet was interested this morning but I sent him packing!

Is there an optimum temperature and time for pollination in the past I have always done this a midday

which works in late season but never early season.

The local temp is due to hit the dizzy heights of 11C (51.8F) but with some sun may hit 16C (60.8F) in the

greenhouse tomorrow.

Any thoughts would be most welcome.


4 comments for “Optimum temperature for pollination

  1. Dear Ian

    Bring the pots into the house, pollinate at lunchtime as usual and keep them on the window cill for a few days.

    Best Wishes

    John, sunbathing in Madeira 22 degrees.

  2. I get excellent pollination at 45 degrees F in the greenhouse. While the growth of the tubes carrying pollen to the egg cells can be working at any temperature above freezing and I have found that freezing temperatures really disrupt fertility of early crosses. Low light levels due to cloudy weather are the worst! I would rather face low temperatures than grey days. If you have the option to add supplemental light to the situation, I would take advantage.

    Good luck.

  3. Thanks Michael,
    Here in the UK grey days are the norm.
    I have brought both pots into the house and will transfer pollen at midday
    tomorrow both ways and leave them inside for another 3 days to set seed.
    Then back in the sand bed for the rest of the season.

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