Comparative of Jonquillae species

Here are the 3 species from Jonquillae sub section

– Narcissus jonquilla subsp. jonquilla

– Narcissus jonquilla subsp. cerrolazae

– Narcissus willkommii

2 comments for “Comparative of Jonquillae species

  1. Thanks Rafa,

    Are these differences always typical of the three species?

    Eg. Is the pistil/stigma always exserted in N. wilkommii

    Are the perianth tubes always easily identified by length and colour

    Is the shape of the ovary a consistent indicator?

    In john Blanchard reports of many years ago he indicated that there were flowers in populations

    of what you call cerrolazae (that many if us know as cordubensis) that did not have the lobed corona

    that many of us regard as the distinguishing feature?

    You do a great job in trying to educate us all!


  2. Oh no!! Brian!! still ‘cordubensis’ hahahah (joke) I hope one day everybody delete the most recalcitrant mistake in Narcissus genus history :) hahaha

    I just study a group of willkommii plants, arround 2000 plants, and I would say it is a constant character, the exterted style.

    The perianth tube color is not a fiable character, because it could be variable. Like in bulbocodium you can find plants with the green colour  covering  the complete perianth tube from the ovary until the tepals.

    Perianth tube in subsp. cerrolazae is curved up very few (on the contrary of N. fernandesii for example), in the other hand subsp. jonquilla is right always. N. willkommii also has a right but shorter and stronger perianth tube comparing with the others. The lengh is is variable although between a range, I don’t remeber the ranges, Fernando sould have all the measure graphics.

    Ovary color is also constant, I think N. willkommii has de deepest green colour.

    Concerning corona in jonquilla an cerrolazae, both have a variability so it is very probable to find not very lobuled corona in cerrolazae and lobuled corona in jonquilla. We found a N. jonquilla with a N. rupicola corone like, completely flat!… But In general, the lobuled corona in cerrolazae is a good character to make the diferences. This is why we finally decided to subordinate cerrolazae as a subsp. of jonquilla, because there are just very few differences in the flower structure, but the rest are similar… Also they grow in different soil N. jonquilla in silicium and cerrolazae in limestone. Also there are pale forms in jonquilla and cerrolazae.



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