Alternative ideas to using Formalin when HWT bulbs requested please.

Hi Daffnetters

I’ve finished HWT my bulbs for this year and will soon begin planting now that the evenings are getting cooler and autumn flowers are appearing here in NZ. I have used up all my formalin now and wonder if there is another safer alternative to use in two years time when I dig once more? Ted Snazelle wrote an article on June 10, 2013 about using bleach and I wonder if this would prevent cross infections when I HWT. I usually treat about 800 bulbs over two days at the end of our summer here using a Vaccola outside and  it’s worked very well for me.Neither nematodes nor  Basal rot have been  problems in my small patch to date. Any practical ideas for a suburban grower like myself, would be appreciated. Thankyou.

Margaret Seconi, Wellington area, New Zealand.

PS. I’m looking forward to beginning to plant while following the finals of the World Cup cricket ( & NZ) on  radio – all part of my relaxing autumn routine!




1 comment for “Alternative ideas to using Formalin when HWT bulbs requested please.

  1. Margaret,

    As formalin has been banned for many years now I wouldn’t admit to still having some. It is very nasty when tipped into drains or the soil. I will be interested in the replies you receive as I am happy to believe that the HWT on its own is effective for most pathogens provided your bulbs have been sun dried first.


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