Author: Lawrence Trevanion, Australia

N. elegans hybrids

We have had soggy conditions for days now. I don’t suppose this miniature will stay 8W-G when the sun comes out. Nor I suppose will this one retain its orange cast. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as if this is going…

Fertility update – Div.10

It has been an extraordinary year here for bulbocodiums. The intra-sectional hybrids were great company over the winter. The inter-sectional hybrids are exploding in diversity and yielding all sorts of unexpected fertility. The foundation flower for this inter-sectional explosion is…

Fertility update – Div.7

The foundational fertile jonquil/main division hybrids are, of course, Limequilla Hillstar and Quickstep (and perhaps Gertrude Nethercote). The key problem is how to reliably introduce the genetics of the best main division hybrids into this group. It is now clear…