Author: Brian Duncan, Northern Ireland

Ref Sara’s trumpet dafodil

A picture of N. nobilis var primigenius taken in the wild in Northern Spain. It shows the typical yellow tube and the yellow staining, up to half way, of the perianth segments. Is it any wonder it has taken generations of…

Some N.’Candlepower’ seedlings

‘Candlepower’ produces some really small, well proportioned and nice smooth seedlings but the petals tend to be a bit narow. These shown are just opening and I hope and expect the whites to get whiter as they mature. Brian

Ridiculous Aer Lingus Flight shedule changes

All,   Please pardon this message on Daffnet for those coming to the World Convention in Northern Ireland and progressing to Holland. Several were planning to stay in Omagh after the Farewell Dinner and visit the next morning before taking the Aer…

“Spring is …

Last, but not least! I first showed pictures of this Walter Blom flower from a pot of 5 bulbs on Oct 23rd. There are still 6 fresh flowers and one bud still to open – accompanied by ripening seed pods.…