Barco, NC Daffodil Show

We had our show on March 28th amid freezing cold and wintery mix. It was our largest show to date with 941 blooms and 451 exhibits. I had fierce competition from Janet Hickman and Katherine Beale. I don’t have all the pictures as Ken Ferguson was the official photographer but I took a few of my own – but I’m the worse photographer in the world and I will post more pictures when I get the results from Ken. The best in show was Pacific Rim 2Y-YYR. The best 3 stems was Williamsburg 2W-W shown by Peter Timms of Snowy cold Boston and Wilmington, NC, the same as he did last year. The Purple Ribbon was won by Janet Hickman with the Red/Orange Cup Collection. I’ll have to post the names later when I get the show report back from our Awards Chairperson. More to follow.


1 comment for “Barco, NC Daffodil Show

  1. It looks like by pictures didn’t take. I will repost this one.


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