Category: Bulb Fly

Another view

All, Another of those things! He/she (I can’t tell which) deserves the indignity of having his/her nether regions exposed for all to see. You can imagine there might be lice or other fellow travellers in there – which inspired Dean Swift to write:  …

Know thy enemy!

  A cheerful note!! I’m sure you really want reminding that  some of those nice bulbs we have all planted may be providing a winter larder for this little charmer. This one paid the ultimate price last summer and is now a…

Help – flying insects

Help – flying insects How can I tell a narcissus fly from a honey bee, short of seeing if it will sting me?  There is a swarm (well, hundreds) of honeybee size insects flying low and crawling on the ground…

insect problem

If it weren’t for the tulips being involved as well, I’d suggest greater or lesser narcissus bulb fly. I’ve had both. If there are several grubs in each bulb, sounds like lesser bulb fly. But I have never had them…