Category: Snails, Deer and other Pests

daffodils and crows

Yesterday, a cluster of crows (four or five of them) decided our daffodils were The Enemy, and attacked them with a will. They had a preference for jonquils over monochromes (ours are mostly yellow-centered) but took to the monochromes when…

animals digging up daffodils

Most people complain when moles and squirrels come along and dig up the bulbs in their flower beds. Then it is really horrible if you happen to have Ground Hogs or deer that come into the yard. We started a…


Hello everyone, Earwigs are a real problem here too. I didn’t have any this year in my first year down patch where there were no weeds nor decaying weed material… Maybe keeping the soil clean helps. A few years ago…

December flowers 3

This actually carries 2 flowers on the stem but an earwig ate most of one. Seed was given to me by Manuel Lima marked [N. viridiflorus x Ace of Spades] x N. viridiflorus or [N. viridiflorus x Eastermoon]. I believe…

bees and such

If anybody wants a quick description and photo, go to – I know it’s for Missouri, but enough of these insects are distributed across the country that there’s still some good information there. Also, here’s a University of Missouri…