Category: General

Information and photos about people, organizations, publications and resources and flowers other than daffodils.

‘Windeler’ 2W-WWY

Hi, Last fall I sent out a lot of ‘Windeler’ 2W-WWY to various daffodil groups in the middle Atlantic States, the Northeast Region, and to the area that used to be called New England. At the time there was no…

New Hybrids

I have many new miniature hybrids in my garden, but am only posting a couple. This is a cross between a Leone Low 1Y-O twisted hybrid that she sent to me for breeding purposes 10 or more year ago. This…

Help with identification

Good afternoon. This is a request from Pat Ball. I’m not sure where she lives so can’t guess as to where the bloom is falling season – wise f I have a mystery jonquil (I think it is) that has…

Opinions requested

Good evening Edward sent in an image of a Daffodil that is not anything he planted. This must be a chance seedling. He would like your opinion on it.