Category: Societies and groups

Information and photos of local and regional daffodil groups.

Daffnet forum usage and behavior

Daffnet was originally created as a mailing list in 1996.  Today Daffnet is a web forum followed by thousands of people world wide.  Most people are silent and just read our web site like they view many others, but over…

Daffodils and me.

After 20 + years of showing daffodils, I have found that some old time daffodil people think me a fraud because they think I simply took over Marie Bozievich’s show wining daffodils and went on from there. Let me set…

N. assoanus

Hi, I promised someone in the Georgia Daffodil Society some of the N. assoanus that I dug this spring.  I know it was the young lady that shows “lots” of miniatures.  I lost your email and address.  It’s time to…