Category: Societies and groups

Information and photos of local and regional daffodil groups.

Nancy Kandel

Early this morning Susan, Nancy Kandel’s daughter reported that long time member of ADS and Marie Bozievich’s second daughter Nancy Kandel when to her reward after a long sickness in a hospice near Denver Colorado. She was 86 years old. …

Funny story on Hybridizing

My first attempts at making crosses were a disaster, it was spring 1997 after we had moved into the house with Fran’s mother, Marie Bozievich, to take care of her as she was 90 years old, fragile but ambulatory.  I…

A Cold and Warn Daffodil Year

During the daffodil show season in April we had 80 degree (F) weather that burned out my daffodils, than in the month of May and June we had cooler than normal weather. I wore long pants until yesterday because it…

N. jonquilla Crosses

I have made a lot of N. jonquil crosses over the years and kept the crosses hoping beyond hope that one of them will turn out a winner.  I just about run myself out of planting space by having so…

Seven States Daffodil Show, Boylston, MA

Set up for the show started Friday and continued until judging on Saturday morning at the Seven States Daffodil Show at the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, Boylston, Massachusetts. Peter Timms was the host and had everything running…