Category: Societies and groups

Information and photos of local and regional daffodil groups.

Miniature Name

A few years ago, before COVID-19, I had a collection of five miniature not judged.  When I asked the Captain of the team why was it not judged and I was told that the ‘Yellow Minnow’ 8Y-Y in my collection…

Species Daffodils

I’m still using the 2011 ADS Daffodils to Show and Grow for names and classification of species daffodils.  It has a very good list to include the natural Interectional hybrids listed with an x in front of the name.  I…

ADS National Show 2023 ~ Atlanta

Please take time to read our newsletter, News from the Trail, VOL I, dated early JUN 2022.  VOL II – with more exciting announcements will be produced very soon! Find the newsletter on our ADS website: Jaydee Atkins Ager ADS National…

4th of July Weekend

Happy 4th of July weekend to all Americans.  I hope all Americans have your daffodils dug so that you can enjoy the date in remembrance of a nation born.   Clay