Category: Youth

Youth projects and displays.

horn tooting

I’m glad that Mary Lou tooted a horn for Tom Stettner, he deserves it. So does Mary Lou for her work with a local elementary school. Here is a little blip about her efforts. Toot, Toot !!! Linda W. Granny’s…

Amity show – Best Youth Bloom

The best bloom in the youth section was Avalanche 8W-Y was exhbited by Ian B. (Last name was not given; entry cards use the teacher’s name to complete the identification.) Kirby Fong

Fortuna show – Best Youth Bloom

The best bloom in the youth section was Homestead 2W-W exhibited by Clare Wilson. I thinks she’s about 5 or 6 years old. She’s the grand daughter of Jerry and Nancy Wilson. Kirby Fong